• Traffic Rules and Safety

    Posted by Janson School on 8/26/2015

    Dear Janson families,

    I would like to remind all of you about the importance of student safety, especially when driving.  I understand that traffic can be heavy at times, however your cooperation is very much appreciated.  Please be sure to follow the rules in order to help with traffic and student safety.

    Morning Drop Off:

    We have two areas for student drop off

    1. Front of the school (Marshall St.)
    2. Back drop off area (enter through Bartlett St.)

    When dropping off your children, please be sure do follow the rules posted.  There is no crossing the middle of the street and NO PARKING on the white curb in front of the school.  This can lead to a citation and cause tremendous traffic and danger to others.

    When picking up your child, please do so at the back drop off area.  There are two lanes, the right lane is for pick up (NO PARKING or LEAVING YOUR CAR) and the left lane for driving through or parking.  Please do not block the entrance and drive carefully.  Your support and cooperation is very much appreciated.

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