
  • English Language Development (ELD)

    Rosemead School District offers an excellent ELD program for our limited English proficient (LEP) pupils. Thirty-five percent of our students are LEP and represent many different languages. Teachers with Language Development Specialist or Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development certificates and bilingual aides work with ESL students in small groups to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English. Students are served and given special assistance in this pullout program until they are re-designated as fluent English proficient (FEP). Classroom teachers follow up the work of the ELD teacher in the regular classroom by providing instruction in sheltered English to make the academic program understandable to the students learning English. A rich variety of instructional materials are available at each school.

    The culture and language of each student is respected and represented in our multicultural program for all students and staff members. Rosemead has a wonderfully diverse student population that enhances and enriches our schools and community.

    Instrumental Music Program (4th-8th Grades)

    Music at the elementary and middle school level, brings students together in a very positive way. Students learn how to interact with other students, form lasting friendships and build self-esteem as well as self confidence. Any performing arts group requires as much discipline and challenge as does other curricula including math, science and English. Music is an analytical as well as an abstract art form that can be approached from many different angles. The fascination with sound and how to produce it usually captivates students at the elementary as well as middle school level.

    School Improvement Program (SIP)

    In this state-funded program, elected school staff, students and parents work together on a School Site Council to plan, implement and evaluate instructional programs to increase school-wide effectiveness. A written plan is developed to define program goals for all students. Program implementation is evaluated every four years by the State Department of Education.

    Title I

    The Rosemead School District receives Title I funds from the Federal Government. The objectives of the Title I program are:

    1. To assist students to achieve academically to the maximum extent of their potential,
    2. To improve their self-image, and
    3. To learn acceptance, understanding, and appreciation of the American cultural diversity.

    Each October, parents are notified if their child qualifies for this program.

    Child Development Programs


    The Rosemead School District operates state preschool programs at Encinita, Janson, Savannah, and Shuey Elementary Schools for children who are 4 years of age on or before December 2nd. This program operates for three hours per day Monday - Friday and follows the District calendar. For families who qualify under the state income guidelines, there is no cost for the program.

    KSART and ASART After School Programs

    This program is available to all families of children enrolled in the Rosemead School District at Encinita, Janson, Shuey and Savannah Elementary Schools. The program provides after school, on site, child care for children grades K-6. Program hours are from when the child gets out of school until 6:00 pm Monday-Friday. For further information regarding fees or enrollment, please contact the child development office at (626) 312-2900 ext 235.

    Community Liaisons

    Community liaisons work to improve communication between the home and school. They assist with school related problems and related work, as may be required. Liaisons contact parents at their homes, provide or obtain information which will help the school serve the student better, and interpret, translate for non-English speaking parents. The district currently has liaisons who speak Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin and Vietnamese.

    Gifted and Talented Program (GATE)

    At the elementary sites, GATE students are placed in cluster groupings at each grade level. Students at the middle are placed in honor classes. In addition, students may participate in after school enrichment programs at the middle school, a Saturday program for grades 4 to 6, an after school visual arts program for grades 4 to 6 and summer school. Teachers differentiate the core curriculum through acceleration, depth, novelty, and complexity. Such differentiation aims to cultivate the students’ ideology and creativity levels, sensitivity and responsibility, ethical standards, problem solving, and self-concept.

    Differentiation strategies are reviewed in school site staff meetings each year, ensuring that all teachers have methods available to them to meet the needs of gifted learners, whether identified or not, at all grade levels and to allow for flexible groupings to meet varied needs and ability levels of students.

    Rosemead School District’s GATE program includes cluster grouping within the mainstream classroom where students’ individual needs are met through differentiation of instruction. Intellectual peer interaction and challenge are provided through the clustering of students, group projects, independent student contracts, Saturday GATE programs, visual arts after-school program, and the GATE summer school program.

    Each school site writes a comprehensive school level plan, which incorporates the GATE plan. The program described in the plan addresses students in the full range of grade levels at the school and is offered within the regular classroom by teachers who are trained or are receiving training in developing and delivering a core curriculum which is differentiated to meet the needs of GATE students. At the middle school, students participate in honors classes in language arts, math, science, history, computers and visual arts. Among the other learning opportunities available to older students are the Cal State Los Angeles Early Entrance Program, Science Olympiad, Builders Club, CJSF, Leadership Class and AVID.

    Nutrition Services Program

    Students may bring their meals to school or purchase breakfast and lunch at school. Students may purchase meals in advance for one week at a time on Monday in the cafeteria. Information is available at each school office for free or reduced price breakfast and lunch.

    Migrant Education Program

    The Migrant Education Program provides programs and services to those children within the district whose family members have moved within the last three years in order to secure employment in agricultural, fishing or related food processing activities. The components of the Migrant Education Program seek to provide supplemental services, over and above the basic District programs, to meet the special educational and health needs of migrant children that arise from their family’s migratory life style. Among the many services and programs offered are the following: Clinics, parenting classes, conferences for children and parents and summer learning activities in the sciences, arts and outdoor education. There is a community liaison who coordinates all activities and also works to identify and recruit new families.

    Special Education Program

    Special Education Services are offered for children who qualify under the state and federal guidelines ( For more information please contact our Special Education Department 626-312-2900 x 230