Reception Suite 150
3907 Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770j
Main phone number: (626) 312-2900
Click here to download the functional directory chart.
Jennifer Fang, Ph.D., Interim Superintendent,
ext 234
jfang@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: the District, Principals, and Schools, Board Agendas & Records, Communication Center, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Directories, Emergency Response, Marketing Distribution Requests, Mass Notification System, Policies, Public Information Office, Public Records Requests, Public Relations, Press Releases, Use of Facilities Applications, Websites
Cynthia Bracamonte
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
ext 212
Maria C. Rios, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent, Administrative
Services, ext 219
mrios@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Administrative Services, Bond Program, Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee, Construction, Employee Benefits, Facilities, Fiscal Services, Human Resources, Maintenance & Operations, Risk Management, Title IX Coordinator, Uniform Complaints, Workers Compensation
Dory Garcia, Administrative Assistant,
Administrative Services, ext 221
dogarcia@rosemead.k12.ca.usVictor Lopez Pascual, Custodian
Child Development Programs
Deborah "Debbi" Lawrence, Coordinator, Preschool
/Child Development, ext. 258
dlawrence@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Child Development, Preschool, Before/Afterschool programs (ASART/ASES), Summer Camp, Child & Adult Feeding Program
Gloria "Marisol" Zapata, Administrative Secretary, ext 235
gzapata@rosemead.k12.ca.usASES/ASART Site Leader
Valerie Guzman, Encinita ASART Site Leader, ext 365
Stephanie Arellano, Janson ASART Site Leader, ext 465
Sammy Lau, Savannah ASART Site Leader, ext 665
Rosann Magdaleno, Shuey ASART Site Leader, ext 754
Nancy Gutierrez, Muscatel ASART Site Leader, ext 565
Fiscal Services
Suwen Su, Director, Fiscal Services, ext 259
ssu@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Developer Fees, Fiscal Services, Payroll Services, Purchasing, Warehouse
Guada Sanchez Gentica, Accounting Manager, ext 218
gsanchezgentica@rosemead.k12.ca.usAccounts Payable, Accounts Receivable
Darlene Reyes, Classif. Payroll, ext 227
dreyes@rosemead.k12.ca.usPayroll services: Classified, Confidential, and Classified Management
Dory Garcia, Administrative Assistant, Administrative Services/Certif. Payroll, ext 221
Payroll services: Certificated and Certificated Management
Yin "Jessica" Chen, Accounting Manager, ext 223
jchen@rosemead.k12.ca.usPurchasing, Warehouse
Human Resources
Maria Garza, Coordinator, Human Resources, ext 229
mgarza@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Adult Volunteers, COVID Liaison, Employee Absences, Employee Recruitment, Retention, and Credentialing/Certification, Records, References, Salary Schedules, Teacher Internships, University/College Internship Agreements
Denise Fuentes, Human Resources Technician, ext 224
Alejandro "Alex" Gaeta, Network Administrator
ext 215
agaeta@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Information Systems, Network, Software, and Technology Services
Maria Gomez, Receptionist/Tech Support, ext 211
mgomez@rosemead.k12.ca.usJames He, Computer Support
jhe@rosemead.k12.ca.usavillanueva@rosemead.k12.ca.usProvides direct technology support to schools
Kelly Bui, SASI Clerk, ext 230
kbui@rosemead.k12.ca.usCALPADS, PowerSchool, Student Information Systems, and Student Data Management Systems
Maintenance and Operations
Anthony "Tony" Flores, Co-Lead Multi-Skilled
aflores@rosemead.k12.ca.usOctavio Serrato, Co-Lead Multi-Skilled
oserrato@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Grounds, Maintenance, Operations, and Warehouse
Jackie McDonald, Admin Secty/Sr. Clerk Typist, ext 678
jmcdonald@rosemead.k12.ca.usRaymond Miranda, Warehouseman, ext 679
rmiranda@rosemead.k12.ca.usJavier Pinedo, Warehouseman/Groundsperson, ext 679
jpinedo@rosemead.k12.ca.usHenry Jimenez, Groundsperson
Marcos Lucero, Groundsperson
Jesse Mejia, Custodian (Districtwide floater)
Nutrition & Wellness
John Rivera, Director, Nutrition & Wellness, ext 255
jrivera@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Meal Accommodations, Nutrition Services, School Lunch Program, Site Cafeterias, Student Wellness Program
Lynn Nguyen, Nutrition Services Account Clerk, ext 254
Michael Chavez, Ed.D., Interim Assistant Superintendent,
Educational Services, ext 233
mchavez@rosemead.k12.ca.usChelsea Kang-Smith, Ed.D., Interim Assistant Superintendent,
Educational Services, ext 233
ckangsmith@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Assessment & Accountability, Curriculum & Instruction, Educational Services, English Learner Programs, Federal Categorical Programs, Gifted & Talented Program, Instructional Materials, Intervention Programs, LCAP, State and Federal Compliance, Student Registration, Supplemental Educational Services, Title IX Coordinator, Uniform Complaints
Claudia Rivera, Administrative Assistant, Educational
Services, ext 213
Assessment, Accountability, & Special Projects
Rachael Nicoll, Coordinator, Accountability,
Assessment, and Special Projects, ext 256
rnicoll@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: Assessment & Accountability, Curriculum & Instruction, DELAC/DAC, ELD Programs, ELPAC, English Learner Programs, Federal Categorical Programs, Gifted & Talented Program, Intervention Programs, Supplemental Educational Services
Yanet Alvarez Alvarado, Clerk Typist, ext 236
Special Education & Student Support Services
Hoori Chalian, Director, Special Education &
Student Support Services, ext 232
hchalian@rosemead.k12.ca.usOversee: 504 plans, Behavior Support, Child Abuse Reporting, Counseling Services, Health Services, Homeless/Foster Youth Liaison, IEP implementation, Parent Annual Notifications, School Attendance Review Board, Special Education & Student Support Services staff and programs, Student Annual Notifications, Student Enrollment Permits
Myrene Mangali, Administrative Secretary, ext 230
mmangali@rosemead.k12.ca.usDistrictwide Support Team
Eric Moya, School Psychologist, Encinita ext 359
Alfredo Aviles, School Psychologist, Janson, ext 459
Rocio Carrillo, School Psychologist, Muscatel, ext 559
Jimmy Chavez, School Psychologist, Savannah, ext 659
Maria Pham, School Psychologist, Shuey, ext 759
Jenifer Lorenzo, District Nurse, ext 262
Rocio Saenz Larios, Health Tech, ext 353
An Ly, Health Tech, ext 453
Elena Barajas, Health Tech, ext 553
Yoana Solis, Health Tech, ext 653
Angelica Rivas-Rojas, Health Tech ext 753Roger Ng, Adapted PE
Mai Nakajima, Speech/Language Pathologist
Rogelio Valdivia, Speech/Language Pathologist Assistant
Rosemary Allis, Speech/Language Pathologist
Yazmine Franco, Speech/Language Pathologist Assistant
Marielle Baronia, Speech/Language Pathologist
Monica Rodriguez, Speech/Language Pathologist Assistant
Esmeralda Yee, Speech/Language Pathologist Assistant
Seetha Leelamma, Speech/Language Pathologist
Amber Frazier, Speech/Language Pathologist AssistantUpdated: 09/16/2024