Our Mission Statement

  • The Rosemead School District provides a challenging academic environment that embraces the diversity of the entire community and encourages lifelong learning.

    In partnership with parents and community, our mission is to nurture the whole child, including their intellectual, physical, emotional, and ethical growth, in order to prepare them to be responsible, healthy, productive, contributing members of our global society.

    The Rosemead School District promotes leadership at all levels of our educational community.  It strives for all members to LEAD:

    L - Lifelong learners and leaders of our global society
    E - Ethical behavior and mindsets
    A - Academic rigor, support, and achievement
    D - Diversity is valued and respected


    Board Adopted:  August 4, 2016 


Our Core Values

  • Core Values

    The Rosemead School District believes that an effective school is one that:

    • Sets high expectations and places student needs above all else. These student needs include academic, aesthetic, emotional and social, as well as safety, physical comfort, health, and self-esteem.
    • Has a quality instructional program that develops positive interpersonal skills, prepares students to be responsible, well informed citizens with high moral and ethical standards, creative problem solvers, effective communicators in a technological society, and promotes lifelong growth.
      Promotes active parent involvement in the child’s total well-being.
    • Encourages, values and respects students, staff, parent, and community participation in decision making.

Our Priorities

  • Student Achievement

    The Board will support proven strategies and initiatives to increase achievement for all students.

    bullet point blk Advocate for and support high standards and expectations for ALL students 

    bullet point blk Provide for specialized needs of identified groups of students 

    bullet point blk Implement programs that support the whole child, academic, socio-emotional, and physical needs of students 

    bullet point blk Support environments that promote student learning, leadership, personal responsibility, self-respect, respect for others, appreciation for diversity, and a healthy lifestyles

    bullet point blk Advocate for and support high standards and expectations for educator effectiveness 



    The Board will support increased communication, transparency, and community engagement.

    bullet point blk Engage, educate and inform stakeholders  

    bullet point blk Strengthen parent involvement & community participation  

    bullet point blk Promote and market strengths of the Rosemead School District  

    bullet point blk Increase the visibility of the Board and district leadership in schools & departments, parent organizations, education foundation, community groups, and advocacy at state/local levels


    Financial Sustainability 

    The Board will ensure fiscal responsibility and stability.

    bullet point blk Provide greatest value with available resources to attract, educate & retain students  

    bullet point blk Focus on economic sustainability  

    bullet point blk Provide and maintain safe and orderly facilities that promote learning and meet the needs of present and future students 

    bullet point blk Seek out and support efforts to provide resources to improve facilities and technology  

    bullet point blk Employ technology in ways that enhance learning and improve the efficiency of teaching and non-instructional operations


    Strategic Planning

    The Board will pursue long-term objectives to achieve the district’s vision.

    bullet point blk Develop a long-range strategic plan that provides a framework to continuously improve 

    bullet point blk Implement programs and opportunities that promote 21st-century learning and future ready students  

    bullet point blk Develop a marketing plan to attract and retain students 

    bullet point blk Attract and retain quality staff 

    bullet point blk Implement systems for employee accountability and growth through the evaluation process  

    bullet point blk Develop existing relationships and build new partnerships with strategic partners


    Adopted: 9/21/19