* Consolidation of Board of Trustees Elections with the Statewide General Election
On April 11, 2017, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the Rosemead School District's request to consolidate its Board of Trustees elections with that of the statewide general election date, effective with the November 2018 election.
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Office will notify all registered voters of the District of the approval to consolidate its election within 30 days - a notice will be mailed pursuant to Elections Code §10404.5(e).
The Election November 7, 2017, Board of Trustees election will be moved to the 1st Tuesday in November 2018, and each subsequent Board member election will be held two years thereafter in November of even-numbered years, in conjunction with the statewide general election. As a result of the election consolidation, the terms of all current Board members have been extended by twelve (12) months, such that the terms expiring in December 2017 are extended to December 2018, and terms expiring in December 2019 are extended to December 2020. (Elections Code §10404.5 & Education Code §5017)