Special Education Department
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Resource Program Links and Recommendations
RSP Home Learning - Enrichment activities to support learning at homeEducation.com - Access to free printable worksheets and academic gamesABCYa - Literacy and Math Games Grades TK-5Starfall - Literacy Games Grades K-2Fun Brain - Reading & Grammar GamesStoryline Online - Digital Read-Alouds for All AgesJust Books Read Aloud - Read-Alouds by Reading LevelProdigy - Math Practice Made FunKhan Academy - Math and Science Digital Lessons Grades K-8Moby Max - All Academic Content Grades 1-8Math Playground - Games Sorted by Topic/Math StrandFun Brain - Math Games with Grade Level RecommendationsMr. Nussbaum - Math GamesPBS Kids - Math Games for Little LearnersSpecial Day Class Links and RecommendationsStarfall - Literacy Games Grades K-2Education.com - Access to free printable worksheets and academic gamesScholastic - 20 days of free articles, stories, videos, and fun learning activitiesUnique Learning System - PreschoolUnique Learning System - Elementary (Grades K-2)Unique Learning System - Elementary (Grades 3-5)Autism SDC Links and RecommendationsAutism Classroom Resources - This website has math, matching, and many other practice activities students can do at homeEducation.com - Access to free printable worksheets and academic gamesUnique Learning System - PreschoolUnique Learning System - Elementary (Grades K-2)Unique Learning System - Elementary (Grades 3-6)Functional Skills SDC Links and RecommendationsUnique Learning System - Elementary (Grades K-2)Unique Learning System - Elementary (Grades 3-6)Unique Learning System - Middle School (Grades 7-8)Use natural opportunities to maintain skills
- Count/add/subtract/multiply when
- Setting the table
- Cleaning up
- Sorting/folding laundry
- Cooking
- Playing a board game
- Read environmental print/numbers
- Sing the ABC Song while washing hands
- Label objects/actions/attributes at home and in the community
- Ask “wh” questions about a video or book
Speech and Language Links and RecommendationsSpeech Therapy Home Activities - This links to a free download of three handouts that promote speech and language at homeSpeech and Language Activities for Home - Speech and Language PracticeSpeech and Language Songs - YouTube Channel of videos with Core Vocabulary SongsOccupational Therapy Links and RecommendationsKids Master Skills - Free take-home packet created by an OTTools to Grow - Free ideas, packets availableThe OT Toolbox - Use a lot of items found around the homeThe OT Toolbox - Fine motor and coordination acitivities using a simple deck of cardsThe OT Toolbox - Here are movement, dexterity, and strengthening activities using craft pom pomsThe OT Toolbox - Here are activities using paper clips to encourage coordination, visual motor skills, perception, and dexterityThe OT Toolbox - Here are sensory diet activities for the backyardThe OT Toolbox - Here are 31 ways to learn through movement and playThe OT Tool Box - Here is a giant list of activities using playdoughTherapy Street for Kids - Activities/ideas to work on a variety of skillsTyping PracticeOnline Eye Exercises
Adaptive PE Links and RecommendationsThe OT Toolbox - Indoor recess activities- To encourage gross motor movement, core strengthening, and heavy work for sensory needs, try these indoor recess activities. They work at home, too!
- Get outside!
- Maintain a routine of going outside daily and being active
- Reduce screen time
- Do warm-ups (jumping jacks, toe touches, stretches)
- Dance party!
- Have a set PE time (physical movement, outdoor play, sports games) throughout the week
Social Emotional Behavior LinksNational Association of School Psychologist (NASP) - National Association of School PSychologist (NASP) handout (English, Spanish, Chinese available)--Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resources
CA State Council on Disabilities - COVID-19 Information By and For People with Disabilities
Social Emotional Apps
Tech & Other ResourcesStudio Code - Coding: Challenge the Mind & Learn 21st Century Skills
Type Rocket - Practice your typing skills
Dance Mat Typing - Improve your touch typing & speed
Offline Activities- If you have a music instrument...practice!
- Family puzzles and game boards
- Enjoy Nature (go for a walk, play outside, ride a bike or scooter)
- Bake cookies or cook a family favorite recipe
- Scrapbook photos of friends and family
- Write a letter to a friend
- Organize an area in your room
- Read a book and share your favorite part of the story
- Create a comic book
- Find geometric shapes in your home (I spy a triangle...I spy a square)
- Flip a coin 10, 20, 100 times to compare heads vs. tail
- Study patterns in plants by collecting leaves
- Create a new dance move or game
- Count steps between rooms in your home
- Play "I'm Thinking of..." (I am thinking of an animal that is grey, is large, and has a trunk...)
- Count/add/subtract/multiply when