Board Goals

  • 2023-24


    • Increase student achievement:
      • Close the achievement gap for Hispanic students and Students with Disabilities in English/Language Arts and Math by 3%
      • Improve achievement in Mathematics for all students in Grades PreK-8 across the District by 5%

    • Continue to provide targeted support for schools with the greatest needs to improve student achievement

    • Address and remediate student chronic absenteeism to maximize student instructional time in order to support increased student academic achievement

    • Promote fiscal stability by reducing and realigning expenses due to loss of one-time funds and significantly reducing deficit spending

    • Continue the strategic planning process to ensure alignment of efforts for ongoing improvement throughout the system (e.g., alignment between LCAP, School Plans, EL Master Plan)

    • Remediate the impact of COVID-19, as follows:
      • Build upon the plan to reverse student learning loss by implementing opportunities for student learning acceleration beyond the day, week, and year
      • Continue to identify and secure resources to support the socio-emotional needs of our students and staff
      • Promote the health and safety of students and staff at all times

    • Work with all sites on the implementation of Safety Plans (e.g., emergency preparedness, emergency drills, student supervision, safe ingress and egress...)

    • Increase the number of parents/community Academic and Nonacademic workshops and include both in-person and virtual options (e.g., Family Literacy Nights, Family Math Nights, Homework Assistance, STEAM, Anti Bullying, Socio-Emotional Wellbeing, School Safety...)


    Board Adopted:  October 5, 2023





    • Increase student achievement:
      • Close the achievement gap for Hispanic students and Students with Disabilities in English/Language Arts and Math by 3%
      • Improve achievement in Mathematics for all students in Grades PreK-8 across the District by 5%

    • Provide targeted support for schools with the greatest needs to improve student achievement

    • Increase the communication to our community of information about exceptional programs in our schools

    • Promote fiscal stability by significantly reducing deficit spending

    • Continue the strategic planning process to ensure alignment of efforts for ongoing improvement throughout the system

    • Remediate the impact of COVID-19, as follows:
      • Build upon the plan to reverse student learning loss by implementing opportunities for student learning acceleration
      • Continue to identify and secure resources to support the socio-emotional needs of our students and staff
      • Promote health and safety of students and staff at all times

    • Continue to realign our District Professional Development plan to provide additional learning opportunities for staff
    • Develop a District feedback tool for District partners to share feedback, suggestions, comments, and concerns.


    Board Adopted:  November 3, 2022





    • Increase student achievement:
      • Close the achievement gap for Hispanic students and Students with Disabilities in English/Language Arts and Math
      • Improve achievement in Mathematics for all students in Grades K-8 across the District

    • Provide targeted support for schools with the greatest needs to improve student achievement

    • Develop and communicate information about exceptional programs in our schools

    • Promote fiscal stability by significantly reducing deficit spending

    • Begin the strategic planning process to ensure alignment of efforts for continuous improvement throughout the system

    • Remediate the impact of COVID-19, as follows:
      • Develop a plan to reverse student learning loss by implementing opportunities for student learning acceleration and a reliable attendance and engagement tracking system
      • Realign our District Professional Development plan to provide additional learning opportunities for staff
      • Identify and secure resources to support the socio-emotional needs of our students and staff
      • Increase the number of students receiving in-school instruction and support in accordance with county department of health guidelines
      • Implement new school procedures to promote the health and safety of students and staff at all times


    Board Adopted:  November 4, 2021





    • Increase student achievement:Close the achievement gap for Hispanic students and Students with Disabilities in English/Language Arts and Math
      • Improve achievement in Mathematics for all students in Grades K-8 across the District

    • Provide targeted support for schools with the greatest needs to improve student achievement

    • Develop and communicate information about exceptional programs in our schools

    • Promote fiscal stability by significantly reducing deficit spending

    • Begin the strategic planning process to ensure alignment of efforts for continuous improvement throughout the system

    • Remediate the impact of COVID-19, as follows:
      • Develop a plan to reverse student learning loss by implementing opportunities for student learning acceleration and a reliable attendance and engagement tracking system
      • Realign our District Professional Development plan to provide additional learning opportunities for staff
      • Identify and secure resources to support the socio-emotional needs of our students and staff
      • Increase the number of students receiving in-school instruction and support in accordance with county department of health guidelines
      • Implement new school procedures to promote the health and safety of students and staff at all times


    Board Adopted:  November 5, 2020





    • Increase student achievement:
      • Close the achievement gap for Hispanic students and Students with Disabilities in English/Language Arts and Math
      • Improve achievement in Mathematics for all students in Grades K-8 across the District

    • Provide targeted support for schools with the greatest needs to improve student achievement

    • Develop and communicate information about exceptional programs in our schools

    • Promote fiscal stability by significantly reducing deficit spending

    • Begin the strategic planning process to ensure alignment of efforts for continuous improvement throughout the system


    Board Adopted:  September 21, 2019