Educational Services Division
Page Navigation
- Home Page
- Dual Language Immersion Program (Mandarin)
- Bell Schedule
- Assessment
- District Advisory Committees
- English Learners
- Migrant Education Program
- Policies and Procedures
- School Accountability Report Cards
- State & Federal Categorical Programs
- Teacher Resources
- Parent Resources & Education
- Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) (Proposition 28)
- Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2023-2024 (LACOE Approved August 29, 2023)
- Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2023-2024 (Board Approved June 29, 2023)
- Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2022-2023 (LACOE Approved September 15, 2022)
- Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2022-2023 (Board Approved June 2022)
- Mid-Year Progress Report on the 2021-22 Local Control Accountability Plan (Presented to the Board February 17, 2022)
- Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021-22 Local Control Accountability Plan (Presented to the Board February 17, 2022)
- ESSER III Expenditure Plan (Board Approved October 2021)
- Educator Effectiveness Block Grant (EEBG) - (Board Approved December 2021)
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan (Board Approved May 2021)
- Local Control Accountability Plan for 2021-2024 (Board Approved June 2021)
- Rosemead LCAP Federal Addendum (Updated and Board Approved January 2021)
- Rosemead Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan for 2020-21 (Updated January 2021)
UPDATE: Senate Bill 98, approved by Governor Newsom on 6.29.20, made several key changes to accountability requirements for 2020-21. These include the establishment of a new requirement – The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan – that was to be adopted by 9.30.20. The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) timeline was also changed: according to SB 98, a 2020-21 LCAP is no longer required. Instead, LCAP efforts in the 2020-21 year will focus on the development of the next three-year LCAP (2021-22 through 2023-24), to be approved in June 2021. Additional information regarding the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan can be found here.
- 2020-21 Budget Overview for Parents (Updated January 2021)
- Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2023-2024 (LACOE Approved August 29, 2023)