INTRA District Transfer Guidelines

  • An Intra-District transfer may be granted for a student to attend a school in the Rosemead School District (RSD) other than the RSD School of Residence. However, you must enroll at your school of residence until class sizes are determined.

    The Intra-District transfer request period is open all year long, starting on February 1st for the next school year. Transfers may be issued at any time in the school year. 

    Information regarding the specific reasons may be obtained from Special Education & Student Support Services at (626) 312-2900 or


      • Permits do not carry transportation privileges.
      • Parents are expected to ensure students are on time and in school for the full school day every day.


      • An RSD inter-district permit application must be completed on-line. Paper applications will not be accepted. You can submit a request by filling out the form below.
      • Upon administrative approval at the requested school, you will receive an email confirmation.


    Students Must:

      • Maintain satisfactory school attendance/report to school/class on-time every day.
      • Make continuous progress toward grade level standards (elementary) and/or maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA with no D or F grades (secondary).
      • Seek help from teachers and counselors and attend tutoring when having academic difficulties or in danger of receiving a grade of D or F (Secondary).
      • Comply with all classroom and school rules and policies.
      • Demonstrate appropriate citizenship and behavior in the classroom and on campus - no Report Card with multiple “1s” for Skills for Success on Achievement Report (elementary) or multiple “Unsatisfactory” citizenship grades (secondary).
      • Comply with all conditions of the RSD Discipline Policy (parent/guardian signature on file).

    Parent Must:

      • Provide adequate transportation so the student can maintain satisfactory school attendance/report to class on time and is picked up from school on time.
      • Ensure that your student attends school.
      • Call the Attendance Office before 9:30 a.m. on the day of the absence to inform the school of the reason for the absence--or provide a note explaining the reason for the absence on the day of the return.
      • Excuse a student only for valid reasons. Requests for absence other than for illness or emergencies are strongly discouraged. Parents should plan family vacations during regular school vacation times.
      • Provide a time and place for quiet study time for completion of homework and study assignments.
      • Provide school officials with accurate and true information.
      • Cooperate with school and district officials and maintain a positive working relationship.
      • Attend parent conferences when requested.
      • Insist your student complies with the school dress code.


    Permits may be cancelled, revoked, or denied renewal for the following reasons:

      • Issued in error
      • Falsified information or documentation
      • Any change to the permit criteria
      • Truancy
      • Infractions of school rules and regulations
      • Failure to make satisfactory academic progress
      • The student is dropped off or picked up is beyond regular school hours, including before and after school programs

    Intra-District Transfer Request:

    English, Spanish, VietnameseChinese