• Rosemead School District

    Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

    2022-2023 School Year Resources


    Educator Resources

    Rosemead SD Social Emotional Learning & Supports Website 

    Centralized resources for educators.


    CareSolace Program

    Online resource with a live 24/7 concierge meant to assist individuals in finding local mental health-related programs and counseling services.  Community-based mental healthcare resources and providers.  

    Call (888) 515-0595


    LACOE - EASE Program

    Los Angeles County Office of Education Employee Assistance Services for Education (EASE) Program

    Telehealth options, 24/7 hotline

    Call (800) 882-1341


    Five Acres

    Community-Based Mental Health is offered via telehealth. 

    Call Adriana Luquin (626) 246-1712 or 

    Dianna Mondragon (626) 214-0402


    Foothill Family

    Counseling services

    Call (626) 993-3000 option 4 


    Pacific Clinics

    Telehealth services for families

    Call (877) 722-2737
